After a long day on the tennis courts, my wife sends me a Chris Stapleton video…

Posted by April 10, 2018 Uncategorized No Comments

When I walk out the door to go to work I tell Wendy and our dogs, “I am going to work now.  I am going to go change the tennis world.”  She replies, “You go and change that world!”  And off to RJ TENNIS BOOT CAMP® I go.  The RJT classes have been a great deal of fun this fall.  I have been having a blast motivating, challenging and inspiring everyone I work with to be the best they can be.  Watching my clients play out invigorating, challenging and exciting, points and games is a thrill to be a part of.  I consider myself so fortunate and blessed to be able to coach.  After I shake everyone’s hands and thank them for being there and working hard, I walk to my car feeling lighter and happier than when I walked into class.  And I think, “Wow, what a great day.”

I get into my car and get my traveling RJ TENNIS COMMAND CENTER (my cell phone) to read through my emails.  I answer some emails and then I get to this one sent to me from Wendy.  Not having a clue as to what it is I click onto the link:

“Wow!  This blew me away!  What a great wife!  Everyday she inspires me to be better in every way.”  Of course, I have been watching this video over and over again listening to and taking in every word.

Thank you for allowing me to shout this out to the world!

Humbly & Respectfully,
